Hello everyone, welcome back to programminginpython.com. Here in this post, I am going to discuss another data type in Python called SET
, which is an unordered collection of data that is iterable and has no duplicate elements. The set in Python represents the mathematical notation of a set.
A set can be simply initialized as example = set()
, here example is the name of the set, and can also put some elements in it like example = set(['one', 2, 'three'])
and here in set
datatype, the order of the elements is not preserved, which means lists and tuples where the order of the elements is checked for indexing.
Now I will perform some of the operations on sets. So let’s get started.
You can also watch the video on YouTube here
Add elements to set
One can add elements to set directly as set(['one',1,'two',2])
or there is a method called add
as example.add('one')
where example here is a set example = set()
Here in this example, I will add even, odd, prime, and composite numbers between 1 to 10 as different set elements.
Initialize the sets,
# set of all numbers from 1 to 10 numbers = set() # set of all even numbers between 1 to 10 even_numbers = set() # set of all odd numbers between 1 to 10 odd_numbers = set() # set of all prime numbers between 1 to 10 prime_numbers = set() # set of all composite numbers between 1 to 10 composite_numbers = set()
Now I will add elements to these sets, here I can manually add elements to the set as explained before numbers = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
but I will do it programmatically here, in the previous tutorials I said how to find even, odd, prime, and composite numbers, so I will use that logic to add elements to the respected set here.
functions for even_odd_sets
and prime_composite_sets
Length of a set
Python has an inbuilt function len(set)
for finding the length of a set. So I will find the length of the above 5 sets which have different types of numbers in them.
The above lines produce the following output,

Intersection of sets
Intersection means the common elements in any given 2 sets, it is generally denoted as ? in mathematics, assume A and B are 2 sets, then consider the following diagram where A ? B
are the common elements in both sets.

So we can implement that intersection operation in Python by using the intersection method on one set with the other set. Ex: A.intersection(B)
==> A ? B
I will apply this to the numbers example I am using for this tutorial.
Union of sets
Union of any 2 sets returns all the elements in both the sets, it is generally denoted as ? in mathematics, assume A and B are 2 sets, then consider the following diagram where A ? B
are all the elements in both the sets.
So I will implement this union operation in python by using a function called union(), Ex: A.union(B)
Now I will apply this to our numbers example.
Difference between sets
The difference between the two sets is all the elements in the first set are not in the second.
A – B is the Set of all elements in A but not in B
B – A is the Set of all elements in B but not in A
See the below Venn diagrams,
A-B Venn diagram

B-A Venn diagram

This is implemented in Python by using a function called difference(), Ex: A.difference(B)
is the notation for A-B
Now I will implement our numbers example.
If you observe the above output, the difference between numbers
and prime_numbers
gave all the elements in numbers
set which are not in prime_numbers
set and the difference prime_numbers
and numbers
returned an empty set because there are no elements in prime_numbers
which are not in numbers.
Remove an element from a set
We can also remove a single element. There are two functions for doing it remove()
and discard()
Ex: set.remove('element')
Ex: set.discard('element')
The difference between these two functions remove and discard is that, if the element we are deleting is not present, then the remove function throws an error whereas the discard function, just removes if the element is present or else does nothing.

Clear all the elements
And finally, we can clear all the elements in a set by using an inbuilt function in Python for sets called clear()
.Simply call this method on any set and all the elements in it will be cleared and will become empty.

That’s it for this post guys, also feel free to check the programs on patterns here or find some programs on algorithms here.