Home » Python Program to separate even and odd numbers in a list

Python Program to separate even and odd numbers in a list

Python Program to separate even and odd numbers in a list

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Programming In Python. Here in the post am going to add one more program which covers the Python data-type list. Here I will separate all the even and odd numbers from a list into two different lists.

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Separate even and odd numbers in a list – Code Visualization

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Separate even and odd numbers from a list and add them to new lists.


  • Read the input number asking for the length of the list using input()
  • Initialize an empty list numbers = []
  • Read each number using a for loop
  • In the for loop append each number to the list numbers
  • Create another two empty lists even_lst = [] and odd_lst = []
  • Now run another for loop to check the numbers in the list are divided by 2 or not
  • If the numbers are divided by 2, append those elements to even_lstelse append those to odd_lst
  • Print both the even_lst and odd_lst


__author__ = 'Avinash'

numbers = []
n = int(input("Enter number of elements: \t"))
for i in range(1, n+1):
    allElements = int(input("Enter element:"))

even_lst = []
odd_lst = []

for j in numbers:
    if j % 2 == 0:

print("Even numbers list \t", even_lst)
print("Odd numbers list \t", odd_lst)

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Python Program to separate even and odd numbers in a list.

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