Hello everyone! Welcome back to programminginpython.com. Here in this post, I will show you how to create a simple temperature converter app in Python GUI using TKInter. This app basically converts a Celcius
unit to Fahrenheit
and Kelvin
units and similarly Fahrenheit
to the other two units and similar with Kelvin
which returns the other two units.
Video Series of the app:
You can also watch the video on YouTube here.
TKInter GUI Design
Here I used some widgets like Label
, Button
, EntryField
(Input field), and OptionsMenu
These widgets are used as follows.
- An
where one can enter any value and -
to select the unit of the entered value. - A
when pressed, calls the function to calculate the other two temperature units. - Two
to show the result.

First I must import and initialize TKInter to use it.
import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk()
Then I will initialize a Label
and an `EntryField` and also set their position using grid
layout options.
input_label = tk.Label(root, text="Enter temperature") input_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=numberInput) input_label.grid(row=0) input_entry.grid(row=0, column=1)
Here I need to set ‘numberInput’ to a string.
numberInput = tk.StringVar()
Next, I will use an OptionMenu
(a drop-down menu) to display Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin temperatures and also set the dropdown default value to Celsius and set the position of the OptionMenu
dropDownList = ["Celsius", "Fahrenheit", "Kelvin"] dropdown = tk.OptionMenu(root, var, *dropDownList, command=store_temp) var.set(dropDownList[0]) dropdown.grid(row=0, column=3)
I also need to set var
in the above snippet to a string.
var = tk.StringVar()
OptionMenu Selected Item
Here I need to convert the input temperature to two other temperature formats based on the input temperature format whether it is Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin unit, and store it somewhere so I can use it for conversion.
If you notice in the above snippet I used a command
parameter for the OptionMenu
, this command
is nothing but it calls a function, here it calls store_temp
when an OptionMenu
(dropdown) value is changed.
def store_temp(sel_temp): global tempVal tempVal = sel_temp
So here I stored the value of the selected temperature in tempVal
variable which is declared globally. For declaring a variable globally, I just use a variable with some value for it.
tempVal = "Celsius"
So now every time the drop-down is changed, its value is stored in tempVal
and can be accessed anywhere in our app.
The temperature Converter
So when the user inputs some value and selects the temperature from the drop-down, the next thing is to press a button that shows the desired results.
I will initialize a button with a command to call the conversion function.
result_button = tk.Button(root, text="Convert", command=call_convert) result_button.grid(row=0, columnspan=4)
I will pass 2 labels to show the result and the input value which is entered in the `Entry`. Here I use partial
from functools
to pass parameters to the function call_convert
So before I call call_convert
I will place the following line.
call_convert = partial(call_convert, result_label1, result_label2, numberInput)
and of course, I need to import `partial`.
from functools import partial
So the logic resides in this call_convert
The Conversion
First I will get the entered value, then check the drop-down value and then perform the conversion and return the result to the labels.
def call_convert(rlabel1, rlabe12, inputn):
The 3 parameters in the above line are the 2 labels to set the result and a value entered in the Entry field.
So First I will get the input value.
tem = inputn.get()
Now I will check the dropdown value, as I previously store this value in a global variable tempVal
So now will check whether it is Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin and perform the conversions based on this value.
#for Celsius if tempVal == 'Celsius': ... ... #for Fahrenheit if tempVal == 'Fahrenheit': ... ... #for Kelvin if tempVal == 'Kelvin': ... ...
So if the value is Celsius
I will use some calculations to convert and set those results to the appropriate labels.
if tempVal == 'Celsius': f = float((float(tem) * 9/5) + 32) k = float((float(tem) + 273.15)) rlabel1.config(text="%f Fahrenheit" % f) rlabe12.config(text="%f Kelvin" % k)
Here the variables f
and k
store the converted results based on some formulae to convert Celsius
to Fahrenheit
and Kelvin
Similarly for Fahrenheit
and Kelvin
if tempVal == 'Fahrenheit': c = float((float(tem) - 32) * 5 / 9) k = c + 273 rlabel1.config(text="%f Celsius" % c) rlabe12.config(text="%f Kelvin" % k) if tempVal == 'Kelvin': c = float((float(tem) - 273.15)) f = float((float(tem) - 273.15) * 1.8000 + 32.00) rlabel1.config(text="%f Celsius" % c) rlabe12.config(text="%f Fahrenheit" % f)
This converts the input temperature to the other two required temperatures.
Finishing Touch
Here I will show you How can we set the size of the window, set colors, background, and foreground colors to widgets, and also to set the window to a fixed size and all.
- Set the size of the window
- Set the title of the app
root.title('Temperature Converter')
- Set background and foreground colors
input_label = tk.Label(root, text="Enter temperature", background='#e35237', foreground="#FFFFFF")
dropdown.config(background='#e35237', foreground="#FFFFFF")
dropdown["menu"].config(background='#e35237', foreground="#FFFFFF")
- Set the window to a fixed size
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
__author__ = 'Avinash' import tkinter as tk from functools import partial # global variable tempVal = "Celsius" # getting drop down value def store_temp(sel_temp): global tempVal tempVal = sel_temp # the main conversion def call_convert(rlabel1, rlabe12, inputn): tem = inputn.get() if tempVal == 'Celsius': f = float((float(tem) * 9 / 5) + 32) k = float((float(tem) + 273.15)) rlabel1.config(text="%f Fahrenheit" % f) rlabe12.config(text="%f Kelvin" % k) if tempVal == 'Fahrenheit': c = float((float(tem) - 32) * 5 / 9) k = c + 273 rlabel1.config(text="%f Celsius" % c) rlabe12.config(text="%f Kelvin" % k) if tempVal == 'Kelvin': c = float((float(tem) - 273.15)) f = float((float(tem) - 273.15) * 1.8000 + 32.00) rlabel1.config(text="%f Celsius" % c) rlabe12.config(text="%f Fahrenheit" % f) return # app window configuration and UI root = tk.Tk() root.geometry('400x150+100+200') root.title('Temperature Converter') root.configure(background='#09A3BA') root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) numberInput = tk.StringVar() var = tk.StringVar() # label and entry field input_label = tk.Label(root, text="Enter temperature", background='#09A3BA', foreground="#FFFFFF") input_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=numberInput) input_label.grid(row=1) input_entry.grid(row=1, column=1) # result label's for showing the other two temperatures result_label1 = tk.Label(root, background='#09A3BA', foreground="#FFFFFF") result_label1.grid(row=3, columnspan=4) result_label2 = tk.Label(root, background='#09A3BA', foreground="#FFFFFF") result_label2.grid(row=4, columnspan=4) # drop down initalization and setup dropDownList = ["Celsius", "Fahrenheit", "Kelvin"] dropdown = tk.OptionMenu(root, var, *dropDownList, command=store_temp) var.set(dropDownList[0]) dropdown.grid(row=1, column=3) dropdown.config(background='#09A3BA', foreground="#FFFFFF") dropdown["menu"].config(background='#09A3BA', foreground="#FFFFFF") # button click call_convert = partial(call_convert, result_label1, result_label2, numberInput) result_button = tk.Button(root, text="Convert", command=call_convert, background='#09A3BA', foreground="#FFFFFF") result_button.grid(row=2, columnspan=4) root.mainloop()
Program Screenshots
That is it for this post, also feel free to look at other GUI programs or look at all of the posts here. Stay tuned for my next post, until then keep coding
Video Series of the app: